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Merry Christmas! Feliz Navidad

“God is Good… all the time! And all the time… God is Good!” After almost eight years of being faithful to God’s calling on our lives, he has finally brought us to where He has wanted us all along, Nicaragua. We arrived on Saturday the 21st and have already been able to share in so much. We have been able to witness two baptisms, be apart of an incredible Bible study, fellowship with the community over Christmas dinner, lead a devotion prior to a soccer match, play a game of softball with some of the local men, and love on some kids. It has been humbling to see all of what God has built in this community. God has used Scott and Jennifer Esposito and their team to build an amazing ministry and we can’t believe that we are now apart of it.

During this Christmas season, there have been A LOT of emotions, from excited, to nervous, to contentment, to sadness, and being a little overwhelmed at trying to speak the language. We are not going to lie to you, Christmas has been a different season for us; but during these times we are reminded that this process is WORTH IT, these struggles are WORTH IT, these emotions are WORTH IT, this Gospel is WORTH IT. We see this when we look into the eyes of the children and teenagers we play with, the men and women we come into contact daily with, and we see it in the faces of the people of the community.

Thank you so much for all your love, support and prayers! Without you, this journey for our family of sharing the Gospel with the people of Nicaragua, would not be possible!  From our family to yours, we would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!


  1. PTl1 As you said to GOD be the GLORY, Great things HE will continue to do as you follow HIM in this journey. LOVE YOU ALL

  2. Merry Christmas to y’all I know God is using u all in a mighty way ??So glad u r finally there Lov the pictures ????????

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