
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

We Are One Body

Greetings from Granada, Nicaragua. We have been here for 3 months now. Living in a new culture has had its challenges, but also its blessings. We are so blessed to be a part of a ministry that loves the Lord and is willing to give of themselves to be the hands and feet of Jesus in this country. In the three months we have been here, there have been 10-12 baptisms with 70 more on March 22, as people are coming to know the Lord as their personal Lord and Savior. These same individuals are becoming a part of the ministry as we prayer walk through the streets, pray with those in the hospital, visit the inmates at the jail, and serve food and share devotions through the dump ministry. 

We would like to share how our family is working day to day alongside the ministry. 

I, Brian, am trying to learn how to operate a farm. The role of sports ministry that I had anticipated on actually is functioning well at this point; however, the farm is where the greatest need is. The farm is an avenue of outreach and employment. I am trying to learn how to make it self-sustaining. This is something very new to me; learning what plants grow, how much water they need, irrigation, alternative energy, farm animals, and learning how to manicure a farm with only manual equipment. The task is daunting on some days because I am still struggling through language. Employing, teaching, and disciplining locals is constantly humbling; it is a very different culture. But as I learn language and culture, I am building relationships and friendships that are allowing me the opportunity to love and minister. 

 Shannon daily works with the women on the farm as they cook and clean. She is in the process of creating organizational processes for the kitchen, laundry area, and dormitories. In the States, this could seem to be an easy task; however, the culture just lives for each day due to lack of necessities, money, proper food storage, and clean water. Shannon is trying to teach them about the importance of organization, inventory management, proper food handling without cross contamination, and cleanliness. All the while struggling through language, teaching a new and a more effective way to work without offending anyone. She is also building relationships and leading a time of devotion two to three times a week for a group of 8-10 women. Shannon does all this while managing our family. 

 Cameron is being used in every way, almost everyday. He pours himself out to the locals, his Spanish is Amazing! He is disciplining many young men, and shares his passion and love for the Lord as he prayer walks and visits the dump. He also teaches the 10 and up children’s ministry, establishing a foundation of biblical knowledge and finding their identity in Christ. Cameron is a vital part of this ministry! 

Emma and Allie are investing their time in the children, whose parents work on the farm, as well as working with the children who visit the farm on a daily basis. They also work alongside Caitlin, one of the missionaries here, helping with an after-school bible study for young girls ages 8-15. Emma and Allie also work in the kitchen cleaning, washing dishes, and loving on the women who work at the farm. Emma says, “God has been teaching me about the gifts that He has given me and how to use them with confidence.” Allie says, “God has shown me that no matter the language and cultural differences, God’s love will shine through.”  

 The young boys, teens, and men here love to play sports with Hunter. He loves the people well through sports. He has started practicing with the Granada baseball team, daily praying for opportunities to develop relationships and share the Gospel with a team that is significantly older than him. Join us in praying for Hunter as he practices his Spanish with the team to develop boldness and confidence in sharing the Gospel. Hunter says, “God has taught me that language is not a barrier when developing relationships with people who share a common interest, like baseball.”

Luke is attending a local school, speaking only Spanish, so we are excited that he is trusting God through this new experience at school. When Luke is on the farm, he and the kids are always playing together. He led his first devotion a few weeks ago and read a Spanish Bible to the kids. His boldness for sharing the Gospel is inspiring. 

 We are in awe of how God is working in and using our family. Our desire is to always be obedient with what God calls us to do. Here are some ways to be praying for our family and the ministry: 

  • Pray that we continue to learn spanish and communicate effectively

  • Pray over our Children’s Ministry, our family has taken leadership and it has grown from 10 kids to over 60 every Saturday night. 

  • Pray for Brian, as he takes charge in overseeing the farm, learning spanish, and developing relationships with the workers

  • Pray for Shannon as she continues to work alongside the women in the kitchen to develop organizational processes, relationships, and teaching the importance of dependency on the Lord

  • Pray for Cameron as he continues to walk in obedience for what the Lord has for him here.

  • Pray for Emma as she is trying to find her role in the Ministry, building relationships with teenage girls, kids, and the women in the kitchen.

  • Pray for Hunter as he develops boldness and confidence through sports, and sharing the Gospel through baseball. 

  • Pray for Allie as she continues to learn spanish and invest in the lives of the young girls here. 

  • Pray for Luke as he attends a national school, being the only American kid. He is learning everything in spanish, so pray that he will be able to comprehend what is being taught. 

Thank you all for loving, supporting, and praying for our family. We never take it for granted! We pray for you all by name, but if there are certain prayer requests that you or your family may have, please share them with us so that we can be praying specifically. 

“Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.” 1st Corinthians 12:27