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Trust the Process

If you are big into the NBA or from Philadelphia, this phrase may sound familiar. “Trust the Process” was the catchphrase for the 2017-2018 Philadelphia 76’ers. Over the past ten years, this team has had to rebuild its squad after many of its players leaving the league and retiring. Ten years is a long time for a team to get back to the caliber team it was back in the day. The coaches, players, and fans had to “trust the process,” believing this team would get back on top. These people had to trust that someone high up in the franchise would make the right decisions in draft picks, trades, money, and management.

Over the past six years, I have had to “trust the process.” I had to trust that God knew what he was doing and what he continues to do. Like the 76’ers, this journey has not been easy. We both had to go our separate ways with players and friends, we had to sacrifice some of our draft picks and comforts, and we had to ultimately trust that the boss man knew what he was doing. For me this journey has taught me so many things that would take hours to read, so I’ll just share a couple.

God has taught me that there is no one on this earth that has my back more than my family. Moving from North Carolina to Georgia was not easy, I was leaving some of my best friends that were like brothers and sisters to me, I was leaving a church where I gave my life to Jesus and planted roots, I was leaving my grandparents, aunts and uncles, and cousins who I loved. I was leaving home. But, praise God for this family I have. Through thick and thin, these crazy people, who I call my family, have had my back. Each one of them demonstrates what trusting the process looks like. God has shown me that living in a 200 square foot camper is not as bad as it seems. He has taught me to love when there is no room to love and to share my space when I love my space.

Now as I “trust the process” once again, I can be assured that God knows what he is doing. He knew that in order for a family to serve overseas we had to give up our family, friends, and space. He knew that we would have to be stretched, broken, and stripped in order to see that He is in control. I have just one question for you, no matter what you are going through, no matter where you find yourself, no matter how broken, battered, and stripped you may be, do you Trust the Process?