
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration


 During this time, we can become bogged down by questions, or the want for all of this to pass over instead of walking through these hard and difficult times. But what I am learning is that sometimes we cannot walk around a difficult situation, ignore it, and hope that it goes away because we feel helpless or uncomfortable; instead, we have to walk through it with strength that comes from God alone. 


-We ask for clarity and for vision but sometimes we need to ask for more trust. 

-We want to see the “big picture” of what the future will hold, but we just need to be still and let the artist work.

-We want to know the why’s and how’s, but we just need to go where God leads. 

-We want to know the answers to our questions, but sometimes, we just need to sit at our desk and let the teacher teach. 

-We want to stay on top of the mountain, but forget that it is necessary to go into the valleys. 

-We want the storms to pass, but we forget that in the storms, God performs miracles even in the storms. 

-We want a life without pain and suffering, but we forget that even Jesus had to go through pain and suffering. 

-We want to reap a harvest, but aren’t willing to do the hard, dirty work.

-We want to grow and produce fruit, but aren’t willing to be placed in a dark hole in order to grow. 

-We always want to be surrounded by light, but we forget that light exists because darkness exists. We cannot have one without the other.

-We want to be disciples for Christ, but we want to leave out the part where we have to pick up our heavy cross and carry it every day. 

-We pray to see God work, but we look for God’s work with worldly vision and a worldly perspective. 

-We ask for specific timing, but aren’t willing to ask for patience to get through waiting on God’s timing. 

-We ask for growth, but aren’t willing to go through the growing pains. 

-We ask for pain to go away instead of strength to get through it. We forget that God uses the pain to build character and to strengthen us. 

-We ask for a lot of things, and sometimes, we just need to ask that we are reminded that God knows best and that His ways are better than our ways.