
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Lost For Words

Wow, none of us can believe that we have been living in Nicaragua for one month now, but it is true! In these four short weeks, God has revealed Himself to us in SO MANY WAYS! We have experienced some of the hardships of living a life fully devoted to God.  The Lord is so gracious that many of these hardships were explained to us in our cross cultural training. In these four short weeks, we have had some really hard and difficult days, some pretty good days, and some really great days. 


This blog is titled Lost For Words because we cannot think of a better way to describe the first four weeks of our time here. We have been lost for words on so many different occasions:


  • Trying to communicate: explaining to 30-35 kids how to color the Creation story, trying to pray with people in the hospital and community, working alongside the women in the kitchen (but unsure of ingredients, utensils, directions, food, etc.), and understanding when someone asks for sports or farm equipment, which is every 10-15 minutes during the day. 

  • Watching kids from the nearby neighborhoods come to the farm; and after they eat, they sit by the scrap food table to take something home to their families. 

  • Wanting to share your testimony with the locals but you just don’t know how or enough vocabulary.

  • Seeing the Holy Spirit move in ways that are impossible to describe

  • Watching people trying to start a conversation with you, but you don’t know what they just said, and sometimes what you just said!


Being at a loss for words, experiencing frustration, doubt, insecurity; but, in our hearts we know the Gospel is worth it ALL. There is a constant factor that allows us to wake up every morning ready to serve; its been love, not just the love we as humans have, but the love of God. Through this love, we have been able to wake up everyday ready to serve, ready to practice Spanish, and ready to love on people. We are so thankful to be apart of a ministry and team that shares this verse:

“ For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died.” 2 Corinthians 5:14


In our few short weeks, we have been able to be apart and share in many ministry opportunities. To name a few:

 1. Continued construction work on the Community Center. Brian, Hunter, and Cameron are learning many new aspects of construction in a 3rd world country. 

2. 150 kids came to the farm to attend a sports camp. We all were able to assist in the camp, and serve lunch to the kids. 

3.  The ministry has held almost 10 baptisms! Praise God for His work in this place!

4. 70 boxers from all across Central America stayed in the dorms on the farm for a week. Every day these boxers were able to hear the Gospel and as a result, 6 gave their lives to Christ! Although we cannot yet communicate the Gospel well enough, (as we are still learning how), we were able to help serve meals and wash dishes so that the individuals who can speak the language well enough are free of time so that they can share the beautiful Gospel message. While washing dishes, we have been able to develop relationships with the women who work in the kitchen. Having a simple conversation with them goes a long way in relationship building (considering simple conversation is all we know in Spanish). So washing dishes is worth it!!! 


For Christ’s love compels us, we are able to love and serve people so that the Father is glorified! For Christ’s love compels us, even though we sometimes are at a loss for words!


Here are somethings you can be praying for:

  • Language learning- We want to build relationships, pray that we can continue to learn Spanish every day. poco a poco (little by little)
  • Spiritual growth- As much as we want to reach the people in Nicaragua, we need to grow in our spiritual walk with Christ just as much. Pray that we will not get too busy, but continue to set aside time to grow in our relationship with the Lord.  
  • Relationships to be built- As the ministry grows, more and more people are coming to the farm each and every day. Pray that we can build relationships with these people and love them just as Christ would love them. 

We also are praying for each of you, if there are specific concerns that you may have, please share them with us through call, text, or email. We desire to be apart of your lives as well, it helps us feel connected!

Thank you to each and every one of you, who give sacrificially so that our family can live, love and serve alongside an amazing ministry to reach the lost, the hurting, and the broken people of Granada, Nicaragua!