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In The Raw Moments…

In the raw moments…

Greetings from Guatemala! We are entering our 3rd week of language school and it is still a little overwhelming. Although we are learning the language, we also are learning how to adjust to a life overseas. Things are different, they are challenging, and accomplishing daily tasks are exhausting. Nothing is more humbling than knowing what you want to do and say, but unable to communicate it. We have learned when you look like an idiot, and say nothing correctly, you just have to laugh at yourself.  From riding the chicken bus daily, learning to grocery shop at the Mercado, buying necessities at the supermarket (where everything is in Spanish), attempting to cook with completely different ingredients, to all the various sights and smells, a life overseas is changing us. Through the difficulties, God is Sovereign, and we trust Him. As a family, we discuss daily the struggles we are experiencing but end our conversation with a heart of gratitude. We rely heavily on one another to laugh and to cry. We are growing closer as a family and ultimately growing closer to God. At times, it feels painful because we have given up all that seems normal: safety, security, comforts, conveniences, friends, family, a youth group, a church home, a vehicle, sports, all the many things we love – and at times it is lonely and it hurts. But we are reminded that with the pain and hurt we are experiencing, breakthrough will come, as we desire opportunities for God to be glorified through our lives. The transition is truly transforming our lives! Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to learn the language and to grow into all God has called us to be. We constantly are in prayer over each one of you, thanking God for you, and praying for you by name. Please know that it is our hearts desire to always know how we can specifically pray for you; please reach out and let us know. We want to be apart of each one of your lives! It keeps us connected and truly helps us battle loneliness. We love you and thank you for being a part of our lives as together we advance the Gospel!

If you would like to stay in contact with us through text messages, it is best to use WhatsApp.   Shannon’s Whatsapp number: (336) 391-7097. Brian’s Whatsapp number: (336) 399-3300. (we can only receive Imessage text messages from iphones so we use Whatsapp to communicate with everyone.) Also, we can receive emails: [email protected] or [email protected]