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The Greatest Treat Ever

Other than playing sports, I love to bake. I love it because I can just relax, and calm down. The other week I made a batch of snicker doodle cookies with a friend of mine here at the campground. We found a recipe, purchased all the ingredients, and then started mixing the batter. When the cookies were done baking they looked so perfect and delicious. They were hot and I was ready to devour them! But when I took a bite, the unthinkable happened! Our cookies were bitter and gross. I pondered what went wrong, when suddenly it occurred to me –  I had forgotten the sugar. Whoops! Sometimes we can be like that. We look great on the outside but on the inside we are bitter and forgetting something. We are forgetting the key thing that makes us sweet and right. That’s Jesus and when we accept Him, we are good on the outside and even better on the inside. So with that being said, we don’t want to forget Jesus and how important he is to our lives.

Allie’s recipe for the Greatest Treat Ever


  •  1 cup of Forgiveness

  • ½ pound of Jesus’ Biography

  • ¾ cup of Patience

  • 2 HEAPING loads of Prayer

  • 2 teaspoons of Humbleness

  • 5 cups of Obedience

Mix all together daily and let bake for eternity!  For further instruction visit the Big Cookbook for Christ!