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Obedience Is HARD

I couldn’t come up with a clever title for this because I don’t feel like I should sugarcoat this subject. If there is anything this process has taught me, it is that obedience is hard. It is hard to leave your home and move to another state, it is hard to sell majority of what you have and live in a 200 square foot camper, it is hard to leave the family you love, and the friendships you’ve created to move overseas, obedience is hard! I was reading through Genesis the past week and stumbled upon this verse in Genesis chapter 12. It reads, “So, Abram went, as the Lord told him; and Lot went with him. Abram was seventy-five years old when he set out from Harran.” (Genesis 12:4). This verse really hit me because of a note I left in my bible from a very long time ago. The note said, in all caps, “BLIND FAITH!!!”

    When God called Abram to leave Harran, Abram did it with no hesitation. Abram knew it was going to be hard but God gave him a promise in the verses before. God has given us a promise, for the ones who have accepted him as personal Lord and Savior, a promise to spend eternity with him if we follow Him and OBEY! I have learned, no matter what, He is worth it. Jesus is worth the sacrifice, worth the struggle, worth the stripping away of all that is comfortable, and worth losing it all. He is worth all this…. because He is worthy of it. Even Jesus could testify that obedience is hard, I mean, He did end up obeying His Father and dying for our sins on the cross.

    I would like to share with you, if you don’t already know this, obedience is hard. Following God is hard, it is no easy road, but the road leads to something worth all the struggle. Is God calling you to step out of your comfort zone and obey Him? If he is, I would listen and do what he calls you to do; the endgame is beautiful!